SYNOPSIS- Origin of Baba - Baba -
Finally the people are revealed to the origin of the mysterious hermit who had wandered in their kingdom all this while! Read on!
-10. Origin of Baba
“You had told in your speech that even if people commit crimes owing to their false notions, a King has to take an ethical stand even if it sounds unethical to the subjects. Baba, I am guilty of that. I have always volunteered only in such matters that guarantee my popularity. I never challenged these ancient customs and beliefs despite knowing that it was causing unfairness to some of my subjects because of fear of losing my popularity.
When I first heard about you I was very impressed in the manner in which you re-instilled confidence in the people about sages and motivated them to send their children to ashrams for education. Just when I was having plans of meeting you, came your statement about temples which made you unpopular in some quarters of the kingdom. I decided to distance myself from you for I did not want to give an impression to my subjects of siding with someone who was making controversial statements and challenging conventional beliefs.
Recently, when I heard that you had averted some social evils, suddenly a feeling of guilt took over me. When you can raise your voice so fearlessly against such practices, why, as a King, should I remain a mute spectator to these happenings in my kingdom? This thought disturbed me.
I was in the habit of regularly moving about in the kingdom incognito to personally gauge the people’s opinion about me. The time had come for such an exercise which I undertook yesterday. It was then that I came across you addressing a large group of people. What you said left me thinking and after much deliberation I realized that you had intentionally referred to the responsibilities of a King to make me wake up from my slumber.”
“I am happy to see the change in you, O King! Always remember a fact that people are always resistant to changes. However, if the change is for their own benefit, slowly but surely they will fall in line!” Baba remarked.
King Harshavardan agreed and assured Baba that henceforth he would relentlessly fight against such unfairness in society and establish dharma. Baba expressed his happiness for the change in him. Thereafter, the King took his leave.
Bhargava hugged Baba, “Now I realize everything! O Baba! I am so proud of you!” Holding the boy close to his heart, he observed, “Bhargava, our mission in this kingdom is getting accomplished. The time to depart from here is nearing!”
Bhargava nodded in understanding.
Thereby, things began to happen fast. The King called for an urgent meeting of the Panchayat of the Makanda village where he severely reprimanded them for misutilising the powers vested on them. He allowed Abhinav and Pami to tie the knot and warned of dire consequences if anyone tried to create obstacles in their path.
Baba announced his decision of leaving the kingdom in due course of time. This invited a strong protest from his admirers. As they pleaded before him to stay back, Baba said, “To make you appreciate my decision, today, through Bhargava I shall give you some insight about my life.” He looked at his companion who bowed before him and then began, “Baba is the son of the renowned sage Badrinath.” This revelation sent an air of excitement and admiration among those present. As they listened with keen interest, Bhargava continued, “Inspired by his father’s teachings Baba set a goal for himself in life. He wanted to remove the darkness of ignorance and superstition from the lives of everyone and enable them to lead a life of probity and rectitude. However, before embarking on this goal, he wanted to completely purify his own heart and mind. For this, he decided to have a firm control on the wandering mind and develop love and affection towards everyone, irrespective of their character and behaviour towards him. If he succeeded in developing such an attitude then it would automatically help in eradicating the evil quality of anger from the mind. This was a difficult task to accomplish. Still, with years of dedication and perseverance Baba succeeded in self-purification. The moment this happened three beautiful things occurred. First, he got the privilege of having the darshan of the Almighty in his pure heart, second, he got enlightenment and third, he was blessed with the divine power to see everything – of the past, present and future. Pleased with his son’s achievement, his father allowed him to go on his mission. Baba has come here as a part of this goal which he now feels has been largely accomplished. He wants to go to some other kingdom to carry forward his mission.” Bhargava concluded.
All those present were highly impressed and deeply moved to hear about the events in Baba’s life. That someone could so selflessly dedicate himself to the cause of good in the society made many an eye moist.
“I would not give myself any other identity for you have already given me one by calling me ‘Baba’. I did not say anything about me till today for I do not like to speak about myself. After all, I have come here not for self-glorification but to lead you to the path of glory and happiness.” Looking at Bhargava, he gently placed his hand on the boy’s head and continued, “Today I would like to take this opportunity to tell you about this remarkable boy.”
(To Conclude)