Chaturbhuj - Chapter 4: Search Continues
In "Search Continues", the wise minister Chaturbhuj gets the King's permission to conduct a search in the house of the servant who had cleaned the King's chamber on the day the ring was lost. A thorough search is conducted. Any success? Read on...

- The Search Continues
Both Chaturbhuj and Salya failed to locate the ring in King Sukhdeva’s chambers despite their best of efforts. Just then, a guard came and informed the King that he was wanted in the Durbar where his subjects were waiting for him. Sukhdeva turned to his ministers, “Okay! We’ll see about the ring later. Please do not tell about the loss of this ring to anyone.” The ministers agreed and the King asked them to accompany him to the durbar.
The rest of the day was spent in meeting the people in the durbar and giving solutions to their problems. Late in the evening before departing, the King told Chaturbhuj and Salya that he would call them whenever the need arose to help him getting back his lost ring. Both of them gave their approbation and went to their chambers.
Chaturbhuj had his dinner and then lay on bed. He admired the King in his mind for the trust, which he reposed on them. Had any other King been in his place, he would have certainly suspected either of the three of them to be behind the theft. King Sukhdeva did not do so although the facts clearly stated that the needle of suspicion had to lie on the three of them. Chaturbhuj was lost in thought for some time and then closed his eyes for the day.
On the morrow, he quickly refreshed himself and met the King.
“What do we now do to trace the ring?” Chaturbhuj asked Sukhdeva.
The King smiled and responded, “Thanks for your concern, Chaturbhuj. Just now Salya had come over and he, too, had posed the same question before me. He had to go out today regarding some kingdom affairs and was even ready to cancel his trip so that he could help me in finding my ring. However, I asked him to go ahead with his plans.” Sukhdeva shrugged his shoulders and continued, “I do not feel that there was any theft! God has punished me for my arrogance, Chaturbhuj. You tried to make me
see sense so many times but I ignored your valuable advice. Therefore, the Almighty has duly punished me by taking away the ring from me.”
“In that case, why did God wait till such a day when you forgot to lock the locker to take the ring away from you?” Chaturbhuj queried.
“Chaturbhuj, what you say is right. However, I do not feel that the three of you can swoop so low as to commit a theft. Therefore, I am not thinking in these terms.” The King reasoned.
“I appreciate your trust on us, O King. There’s something I wanted to know. Can you apprise me about the background of the servant Sukhram?” Chaturbhuj asked the King.
“I know his family for a long time. Till last year, his father was working in the palace as a sweeper. As he was getting old, he introduced me to his son whom I opted for his replacement at his request. I found that both father and son are very honest and sincere in their work.” the King informed Chaturbhuj.
“Maharaj, I respect all that you have said. Still I want your permission to conduct a search in Sukhram’s house. I will personally go and look for the ring in his residence without any guards. Thus, the people won’t suspect anything. As Salya said, somewhere we have to make a start.”
Sukhdeva, finally, acceded to his minister’s request. Chaturbhuj got the description of the ring from the King and launched an extensive search for it in Sukhram’s residence but in vain. Thereby, he even enquired with some jewelry shops in Sukhram’s vicinity if someone had sold a ring of his description to the owners. Chaturbhuj apprised the shopkeepers that he had lost a very beautiful ring offered to him by the King as a gift for his services and suspected his servant to be behind it’s disappearance. He even met some money lenders to find out if Sukhram had kept the ring in their custody and taken money for it in return. However, all his efforts proved futile.
By the time Chaturbhuj returned to the palace it was late in the evening. He informed the King about his investigation who thanked him for his help and once again maintained that it was the Lord himself who had taken away the ring from him due to his superciliousness. Thereby, Chaturbhuj returned to his chambers.
The next day, while King Sukhdeva was in his Durbar with his ministers, a guard came and told him that a minister, Vigneesh, from King Narendra’s kingdom had come to see him.
“Narendra’s kingdom?” the King exclaimed and asked the guard to welcome the minister in. Soon, a lean man with big ears, beautiful eyes and a flowing beard entered in and exchanged greetings with the King. “Maharaj, I had been to a nearby kingdom for some work. King Narendra had given me specific instructions that while returning I must come here and enquire about your well-being.”
“Wah!” exclaimed Sukhdeva, “What a friend he is! Thank him for his concern and tell him that everything is fine out here. I am really touched by his love towards me!” Sukhdeva asked his men to make all arrangements for the comfortable stay of Vigneesh. However, the minister told the King that he would not be able to stay for a long time because he had to go and meet his ruler.
Soon, the Durbar proceedings were over and everyone returned to their respective chambers. Salya felt like taking some rest and lay on bed. However, sleep would not come and he began to walk from one end to the other end of his chamber slowly. Just then, a guard came in and told him that Vigneesh wanted to meet him. Salya raised his eyebrows questioningly and asked the guard to send him in.