SYNOPSIS- A Vital Clue
The Dreaded Conspiracy - 19
Story so far:
Vijaya won the contest that his guru, Biksham had put him to. When he was asked to what prompted him to win the contest, the young Prince replied that since the green flag represented his subjects and wealth, he wanted to protect his subjects and the wealth which he could utilize for their benefit. This answer pleased everyone. In the evening, Raghunathan called a Durbar to facilitate Biksham where he offered him a part of his kingdom Rameshwaram. However, he made another startling revelation that it was Biksham who tried to kill his son!
In this chapter 'A Vital Clue': Raghunathan revealed as to how he learnt that it was his most trusted minister, who had conspired to kill his son! When Vijaya was having his education under Biksham, the King had a visitor, Ramlu, who once used to polish all the golden items in the palace.
This included the statue of Lord Vithala that had to be pushed hard to make way for the secret passage in the King's chamber. The King had specifically instructed him to just polish the statue lightly under the fear that if it is rubbed hard, the passage might accidentally open up. When the King had been on a vacation, Biksham had once observed Ramlu polishing the Vithala statue very lightly. He had asked Ramlu the reason for this to which the latter apprised him of the King's instructions.
It was this disclosure by Ramlu that left the King thinking. What was this mode of thinking? How did the King come to the conclusion that it was Biksham who was the real culprit? Read the thrilling Part 20 of this story to find out!

19. Vital Clue
Before Biksham could say anything, Raghunathan cautioned him with a glare,
“Do not even dare to refute what I have accused you of! I have proof to prove your guilt.”
As the stunned Durbar watched the proceedings in silence, Raghunathan continued, “Sukhram! The man who came and told me that it was under the instructions of Vikrant that he took Vijaya from the secret chamber to kill him in the Kameshti jungle has admitted that he, actually, works for you!”
Biksham continued to look at the ground unable to utter a word!
“You must be wondering as to how all this happened! The time has now come for me to reveal everything which is my second reason for calling this durbar.” So saying, the King had a reminiscence of an incident, which happened when, only a couple of months had gone by after Vijaya began to take education under Biksham.
** Raghunathan was sitting in his chamber lost in deep thought. He was finding it strange that despite the best of his efforts, Vikrant was not admitting that he had masterminded the twin conspiracies against his son although he agreed that Shailendra was his father and that he despised the King before he was employed in the palace.
At that time, he had a visitor and that was Ramlu, who used to polish all the golden items in the palace, before he left his job and went to a nearby kingdom for looking after his sick parents. The King welcomed him and after both of them were seated, enquired about his well being.
Ramlu told him that all was fine and also apprised him that he had got a similar job of polishing silver as well as gold items in the house of a zamindaar. The King was pleased to hear this.
Then, Ramlu began, “Maharaj, I have come here to tell you something. When I visited a temple of Lord Ganesha which is not too far from my parents’ house, I happened to meet one of my villagers who was my close friend when I stayed here. He told me that he was on a teerth-yatra and therefore was in this kingdom visiting the Ganesh temple.
When I asked him if everything was fine back here, he told me about the mysterious disappearance of Vijaya from the secret passage in your chamber and how Vikrant had triggered off a conspiracy against you. When I learnt about the secret passage, I realised as to why you always told me to be careful while polishing the golden platform where the idol of Lord Vithaala stood!
You feared that I might accidentally push the platform with force and the secret passage would be exposed! Maharaj, although it seems that you have already caught the culprit, there is something that just skipped my mind to inform you.
I found it to be inconsequential at that time but who knows? It could be immaterial even now but I will not get peace of mind if I do not tell you about it. Therefore, I have left my parents, who have now nearly recovered from their ailment, under the care of my neighbour and come to give you this piece of information.”
As the King listened keenly, Ramlu explained, “Maharaj, the last time when I was cleaning the golden platform, Bikshamji came there looking for you. He observed that I was polishing the platform very lightly and asked me the reason for it. I told him that I was only doing as per your behest.
I did not feel that I did anything wrong by telling him this fact for he is so close to you. But now, after all this has happened, I suddenly remembered this event and felt that I must tell you about it.”
The King confirmed the period with Ramlu when this event had occurred. Thereby, Ramlu rested awhile in the visitor’s chamber and then took his leave.
Raghunathan sat on his throne pondering and slowly things began to strike his mind one by one. He remembered telling Biksham about the secret passage when Vijaya had disappeared. At that time just to show the care which he had taken to keep up the secret about the passage, the King had also apprised Biksham with the fact that he had cautioned Ramlu to polish very smoothly on the golden paltform without any pressure.
From Ramlu’s story, the King figured that Biksham knew about this fact much before the he actually told the minister about it. Thus on that day, when the King was notifying Biksham about the orders he had given to Ramlu regarding the polishing of the golden platform, Biksham could have acknowledged that he was aware about this factor, which he did not do.
Why? What was Biksham afraid of? The minister knew the trust that the King had on him and therefore no harm would have befallen him had he admitted to knowing it.
Could it be that Biksham had done something wrong and was afraid of that wrongful activity being exposed if he agreed that he was aware about the specific instructions the King had given to Ramlu as regards to the polishing of the golden platform? In this case, a “wrongful activity” can only pertain to having a hand in the conspiracy to kidnap Vijaya and take him to the Kameshti jungle through the secret passage!
If this was indeed true, how did Biksham learn about the passage? That was not impossible for a curiosity might have gripped Biksham’s heart to learn as to why the golden platform should not be rubbed hard. He could have very well asked the King about it but may be he had decided to find about this secret all by himself!
When the King went for a fifteen day vacation with his family to attend the marriage of the son of his dear friend, King Siddharth, and also to stay with the parents of the Queen’s family, Biksham may have come to his chamber and after some trial and error attempts discovered the secret passage!
Thoughts like these flashed the King’s mind and he now diverted his attention to think as to why Biksham would ever try to kill his son!
(To Continue)